11 Ways to Quickly Recover from Holiday Overindulgence
Let’s face it, no one’s perfect. And 2020 has been…quite the year.
As part of an 80/20 lifestyle, there’s some wiggle room for indulging every now and then, and holiday food is no exception to this – cookies and candies, creamy drinks and decadent cheeses, roasted meats, adult beverages, staying up late. You get the gist.
Here are some suggestions for recovering quickly from those holiday-induced overindulgences.

1. Nux vomica 30c – This homeopathic remedy is known for rebalancing from overindulgence and hangovers. Deemed the “Up too late the night before, too much to eat, too much to drink, and now everyone is suffering the consequences” remedy, this one is worth having in your toolbox. Common symptoms after overindulging that suggest this remedy include: “symptoms of excessive eating or drinking such as hangover, heartburn, drowsiness, upset stomach with nausea or fullness, indigestion or sour stomach.”

2. N-acetylcysteine(NAC) – this liver-supporting powerhouse is a worthy antioxidant and promotes detoxification. Alcohol decreases production of glutathione, which is our body’s main detoxification and antioxidant molecule, while NAC is its precursor. Therefore, NAC can be helpful after a night of excessive drinking,
3. Activated charcoal – Useful for managing bloating, heartburn, diarrhea, and gas caused by excessive eating. Because charcoal additionally binds to important nutrients in the digestive tract, this should not be used regularly. Do not take if constipated, and swallow with plenty of water.
4. Castor oil packs– Castor oil, used externally, can help to support the liver and move the bowels to clear toxins. This can be especially helpful if your holiday forays have results in constipation.
Instructions for a low-cost castor oil pack can be found here and here. Supply kit here. For a mess-free done-for-you castor oil compress, see here.

5. WheatRescue by Microbiome Labs – This powerful blend of enzymes featuring DPP-IV is usually taken by food allergy sufferers and those with Celiac Disease to quickly break down the top 8 allergens, including gluten, due to accidental exposure. However, if you have a sensitivity to any of the top 8 and intend on eating these foods anyway during the holidays, taking WheatRescue at first bite may help lessen the blow from these foods on your body.
>>Note: I am not suggesting that you eat foods to which you have a known allergy or sensitivity and use WheatRescue as a way to avoid reactions. You very well may still react despite taking WheatRescue.
6. Peppermint, ginger, or chamomile tea – These herbs can help with bloating and indigestion (though some people do find that peppermint can make indigestion worse). Steep a teabag or 1 Tbsp loose herb in 1 C hot water and enjoy.

7. Rest – Sleep off the indulgent foods! Our bodies detox best when we are sleeping, so help yourself out by taking it easy and getting adequate rest – 8 hours for adults.
8. Exercise – To get your digestion moving back in the right direction, incorporate some movement into your day. Walking, yoga, using a rebounder, some serious stretching…all will get things moving. No marathon running needed here!
9. Warm water with a splash of lemon juice – When drunk first thing in the morning, this can help flush out the liver from its night of filtering and get it ready to face its regular day-to-day tasks. Plenty of water will help flush out toxins caused by indulgent food and drink choices.

And, of course, finding healthier options amongst the indulgent food can help prevent some of these consequences of overindulging as well. Which leads to…
10. Eating lots of vegetables alongside your heavy holiday indulgences, and
11. Experimenting in the kitchen, making real marshmallows for your cocoa, candied fruits for your fruitcakes, and delicious homemade eggnog. Making these sweets yourself helps to avoid the high amounts of high-fructose corn syrup, GMOs, and artificial colors and flavors found in commercially prepared versions of these foods.
Learn to make:
- Boiron. (2020). Nux vomica 30c. Retrieved from https://www.boironusa.com/product/nux-vomica-30c-pellets-value-pack/
- Chumpitazi, B. P., Kearns, G. L., & Shulman, R. J. (2018). Review article: the physiological effects and safety of peppermint oil and its efficacy in irritable bowel syndrome and other functional disorders. Alimentary pharmacology & therapeutics, 47(6), 738–752. https://doi.org/10.1111/apt.14519
- Drugs.com. (2020). Charcoal, activated.Retrieved from https://www.drugs.com/monograph/charcoal-activated.html
- Edgar Cayce’s ARE. (2019). Therapies: Castor oil packs. Retrieved from https://www.edgarcayce.org/the-readings/health-and-wellness/holistic-health-database/therapies-castor-oil-packs/
- Examine.com. (2020). N-acetylcysteine.Retrieved from https://examine.com/supplements/n-acetylcysteine/research/
- Giacosa, A., Morazzoni, P., Bombardelli, E., Riva, A., Bianchi Porro, G., & Rondanelli, M. (2015). Can nausea and vomiting be treated with ginger extract?. European review for medical and pharmacological sciences, 19(7), 1291–1296.
- Homeopathy Center. (2019). ‘Tis the Season: Nux vomica, the overindulgence remedy. Retrieved from https://www.homeopathycenter.org/homeopathy-today/tis-season-nux-vomica-overindulgence-remedy
- Microbiome Labs. (2020). WheatRescue. Retrieved from https://microbiomelabs.com/home/products/wheatrescue/
- Srivastava, J. K., Shankar, E., & Gupta, S. (2010). Chamomile: A herbal medicine of the past with bright future. Molecular medicine reports, 3(6), 895–901. https://doi.org/10.3892/mmr.2010.377