Tag: bloating

The Unfortunate Truth About IBS

The Unfortunate Truth About IBS

Irritable Bowel Syndrome I can just hear you saying, “Ah, but I already know my bowel is irritable, Amy, do I really need more awareness about this???” An irritable bowel is unpredictable, uncomfortable, and at times, can be downright embarrassing. So yes, you’re definitely already aware of Read more…

When you hear your tummy rumble…

When you hear your tummy rumble…

That’s diarrhea…unfortunately… April is Irritable Bowel Syndrome Awareness Month And with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), there’s a lot of new things to become aware about.  For the 12% of Americans suffering with IBS, recurring diarrhea and constipation are no joke. IBS used to be called Read more…

11 Ways to Quickly Recover from Holiday Overindulgence

11 Ways to Quickly Recover from Holiday Overindulgence

Let’s face it, no one’s perfect. And 2020 has been…quite the year. As part of an 80/20 lifestyle, there’s some wiggle room for indulging every now and then, and holiday food is no exception to this – cookies and candies, creamy drinks and decadent cheeses, Read more…