
6 Delicious Fall Vegetables You Probably Don’t Know What To Do With

6 Delicious Fall Vegetables You Probably Don’t Know What To Do With

The abundance of fall brings with it many unusual vegetables. I’ve curated some recipes for six of my favorite fall vegetable oddballs that pack a powerful nutritional punch! 1. Chiogga Beets  Beets are a fabulous vegetable, coming in reds, yellows, and for chioggas, a beautiful Read more…

Dietitians Say There Is No Scientific Evidence that MSG Is Bad for You – and How You Are Yet Again Being Deceived by the Big Food Industry

Dietitians Say There Is No Scientific Evidence that MSG Is Bad for You – and How You Are Yet Again Being Deceived by the Big Food Industry

Here’s yet another example of a junk article based on junk science, with facts omitted and presented to the public as credible.  By now you know I’m not a dietitian, so I don’t have to back this nonsense. What is MSG? MSG (monosodium glutamate) is Read more…

The Surprising Ways  Antibiotics May Have Unknowingly Harmed Your Health

The Surprising Ways Antibiotics May Have Unknowingly Harmed Your Health

Jocelyn learned her chronic arthritis was being caused by a persistent, simmering intestinal Prevotella overgrowth and resulting food sensitivities, which seemed to start after she took antibiotics for two weeks.  Frank thought he had a UTI, and while waiting for his labwork to come back, took a Read more…

Can Fish Oil Help Prevent or Recover From COVID?

Can Fish Oil Help Prevent or Recover From COVID?

Before COVID hit, we had been hearing about the wonders of fish oil-derived omega-3 fatty acids (or omega-3s for short) and their amazing anti-inflammatory properties. Now, their benefits are even more exciting as we await definitive recommendations to prevent, provide support during, and recover from Read more…

5 Great Nutrition and Gut Health Books for Kids of All Ages

5 Great Nutrition and Gut Health Books for Kids of All Ages

Since my nutrition practice is about 1/3-1/2 children at any given time, I’ve had to find books that would resonate enough with the kids to get the onboard with healthier eating. Below are my (and my son’s!) top picks: 1. Buddies in My Belly: A Read more…

12 Healthy, Non-Perishable Snacks To Help Kids Maintain Their Focus

12 Healthy, Non-Perishable Snacks To Help Kids Maintain Their Focus

One of the most common questions I usually get around this time of year, after, “What supplements should my kid take to boost his immune system now that everyone’s going back,” is, “What can I pack for my kid’s afternoon snack that won’t spoil sitting Read more…

Back to School? Back to Basics…

Back to School? Back to Basics…

Somehow, suddenly summer is coming to an end and many of our children and their teachers will be returning to their school campuses in the upcoming weeks.  Going back is more than buying new shoes, notebooks, yellow Ticonderogas, and a lunchbox.  Outside of COVID concerns, back to school time is an opportunity to return Read more…

Getting Salty

Getting Salty

My clients often hear me say, “Eat the rainbow,” and this is just as true for salt as it is for fruits and veggies.  When we hear “sodium,” we typically think NaCl, or sodium chloride, the stripped down, stark white, barebones version commonly used as Read more…

Root Causes of Why You’re Feeling Down in the Dumps

Root Causes of Why You’re Feeling Down in the Dumps

And it’s not due to COVID. As Mental Health Awareness Month 2020 draws near the end, let’s talk about depression. Depression is defined as a period of at least two weeks during which a person experiences: a depressed mood loss of interest and/or  loss of pleasure Read more…

Keep Slim & Trim with Domino Sugar Menus

Keep Slim & Trim with Domino Sugar Menus

It wasn’t meant to be provocative.  After all, the folks in 1954 cared just as much about weight loss as we do in 2020, and they weren’t dealing with nearly the same obesity epidemic as we are today. Over 70% of American men and women were considered overweight Read more…