Tag: nutrition

Dog Food is for Dogs

Dog Food is for Dogs

But fiber. That’s food for the gut microbiome. Fiber 101 We’ve all heard that we should get plenty of fiber from our diet every day to support heart health, healthy weight management, and gastrointestinal function. Despite these recommendations to eat a high-fiber diet, and many Read more…

Giving Your Child The Tools to Be a Healthy Deviant in an Unhealthy World

Giving Your Child The Tools to Be a Healthy Deviant in an Unhealthy World

What does a happy, healthy child look like? It’s getting harder to see because our culture  presents us with an increasingly limited array of examples. This is the first generation that’s predicted to not outlive their parents. Roughly 30% of our children suffer from a Read more…

Hypertension: A Not-So-Normal (Albeit Common) Part of Aging

Hypertension: A Not-So-Normal (Albeit Common) Part of Aging

High blood pressure, or hypertension, is the most important risk factor for premature death, accounting for half of all deaths caused by cardiovascular disease and 13.5% of all total deaths each year. Nine in ten Americans are expected to develop high blood pressure by the Read more…

The Nutritional Side of Disordered Eating

The Nutritional Side of Disordered Eating

We live in a world with a lot of misconceptions and, unfortunately, also a lot of stigma around eating disorders. Our culture has emphasized mental health imbalance as the cause of disordered eating (Control needs? Body image concerns? Self-punishment? Self-medication?), and use of behavioral health Read more…

Can Fish Oil Help Prevent or Recover From COVID?

Can Fish Oil Help Prevent or Recover From COVID?

Before COVID hit, we had been hearing about the wonders of fish oil-derived omega-3 fatty acids (or omega-3s for short) and their amazing anti-inflammatory properties. Now, their benefits are even more exciting as we await definitive recommendations to prevent, provide support during, and recover from Read more…

Back to School? Back to Basics…

Back to School? Back to Basics…

Somehow, suddenly summer is coming to an end and many of our children and their teachers will be returning to their school campuses in the upcoming weeks.  Going back is more than buying new shoes, notebooks, yellow Ticonderogas, and a lunchbox.  Outside of COVID concerns, back to school time is an opportunity to return Read more…

To Gluten or Not to Gluten…That is the Question…

To Gluten or Not to Gluten…That is the Question…

We can’t digest it. It’s irritating to the gut. It’s hybridized beyond our body’s recognition, so looks like an alien spaceship to our immune system. However. Not everyone will benefit from a gluten-free diet. There. I said it. Heresy in the holistic health world. But Read more…

What Constitutes a “Healthy Diet”?

What Constitutes a “Healthy Diet”?

Recently I was asked, “What do you consider a healthy diet?” A “healthy diet” will look slightly different for each person, but as a general rule: A healthy diet is one that provides adequate nutrients (proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, and fluids) needed not Read more…

What Keeps Me from Ditching My Vitamins

What Keeps Me from Ditching My Vitamins

Ideally, our foods should contain all the nutrients humans need to thrive; however, there are so many factors that impact nutrient availability from foods. How to find nutrient-packed foods Organic, seasonal, local fresh food is more likely to contain higher nutrient content than foods produced Read more…

Nourishing Vegetable Broth

Nourishing Vegetable Broth

No matter the time of year, broth is a perfect food. It’s warming. Refreshing. Practical and easy. Plus it’s good for gut healing – a bonus! I usually keep a bag of vegetable scraps in the freezer in a gallon Ziploc in anticipation of making Read more…