Tag: blood sugar

How to Reject Diabetes & Metabolic Dysfunction

How to Reject Diabetes & Metabolic Dysfunction

From 1983 to 2008, the number of people in the world with diabetes increased sevenfold, from 35 to 240 million. In just the three years following (2008-2011), the number jumped to over 350 million. The majority of these diabetes diagnoses are for Type 2 Diabetes Read more…

Keep Slim & Trim with Domino Sugar Menus

Keep Slim & Trim with Domino Sugar Menus

It wasn’t meant to be provocative.  After all, the folks in 1954 cared just as much about weight loss as we do in 2020, and they weren’t dealing with nearly the same obesity epidemic as we are today. Over 70% of American men and women were considered overweight Read more…