
Which Witch Will You Choose?

Which Witch Will You Choose?

Halloween can be a time of excitement and anticipation for children, and outside of dressing in costume, one of the key highlights is often the delicious candy they collect while trick-or-treating.  As parents, we may be entering into a controversial space here: should we let Read more…

The Secret Gut-Brain Conversation You’re Not Privy To

The Secret Gut-Brain Conversation You’re Not Privy To

Our body contains a super-highway, the vagus nerve, the connection between the entire digestive system and the brain. Emerging research has highlighted that this “gut-brain axis” consists of two nervous systems: the central nervous system (housed in the brain) and the enteric nervous system (housed in the Read more…

Prebiotic Snacks for Kids

Prebiotic Snacks for Kids

At last, the heat of the summer has broken. All the children have returned to their various learning environments, the days are starting to shorten as we transition into fall, and new rhythms are getting established for this new season. As the children make new friends, adjust Read more…

The Garden Growing In Your Belly

The Garden Growing In Your Belly

And it’s not from that watermelon seed you swallowed! Last month we talked about taking good care of your gut microbes to keep them in beneficial balance, and one way to really nourish them and keep them quite happy is by feeding them well. Think Read more…

On the Care & Feeding Of Your Gut Microbiota

On the Care & Feeding Of Your Gut Microbiota

Hey. You have a big responsibility. A giant one, in fact.  You are the host to an entire ecosystem of microorganisms. A variety of bacteria and other microbes line nearly every surface of your body, with each organ hosting a distinct mix of these microbes. These Read more…

The Diet That’s Trendy…But Maybe Also Health-Harmful?

The Diet That’s Trendy…But Maybe Also Health-Harmful?

The gluten free diet has been trendy for years now. All over the world, people have been ditching gluten, hoping to lose weight and live healthier lives. However, this diet isn’t for everyone and it could even be causing harm, along the lines of gut Read more…

Shoo Away the Stress Bobcat, and Just Say “Ohm” to Stress

Shoo Away the Stress Bobcat, and Just Say “Ohm” to Stress

Did you catch our article on the stress response and how being stuck in it all the time is a root driver of poor health?  What we didn’t mention there was the role of the vagus nerve in this situation. This single nerve acts as a super highway, connecting the Read more…

Is That A … Bobcat Chasing You??

Is That A … Bobcat Chasing You??

What’s the single most significant root cause of symptoms and diagnoses that we see here in our FWT clientele? Without hesitation, our coaching team all agrees that it’s STRESS.  While the human body is designed to weather episodic acute stress, we aren’t designed to be Read more…

Circadian Rhythms & Internal Body Clocks, & Why You Can’t Sleep

Circadian Rhythms & Internal Body Clocks, & Why You Can’t Sleep

Now that many of us are safely on the other side of the time change, we can enjoy the extra daylight hours a little more. And hopefully by now our circadian rhythms have also gotten with the program that our sleep-wake times have been shifted Read more…

Happy little hydrated cells

Happy little hydrated cells

Your body is made up of about 70% water. 70%! We lose water all the time and need to replenish it. But just because you’re drinking water doesn’t mean you’re automatically “hydrated.” Take this mini quiz to learn if you’re dehydrated… If you answered “yes” to Read more…