Author: Amy Spindel

Back to School? Back to Basics…

Back to School? Back to Basics…

Somehow, suddenly summer is coming to an end and many of our children and their teachers will be returning to their school campuses in the upcoming weeks.  Going back is more than buying new shoes, notebooks, yellow Ticonderogas, and a lunchbox.  Outside of COVID concerns, back to school time is an opportunity to return Read more…

Getting Salty

Getting Salty

My clients often hear me say, “Eat the rainbow,” and this is just as true for salt as it is for fruits and veggies.  When we hear “sodium,” we typically think NaCl, or sodium chloride, the stripped down, stark white, barebones version commonly used as Read more…

Root Causes of Why You’re Feeling Down in the Dumps

Root Causes of Why You’re Feeling Down in the Dumps

And it’s not due to COVID. As Mental Health Awareness Month 2020 draws near the end, let’s talk about depression. Depression is defined as a period of at least two weeks during which a person experiences: a depressed mood loss of interest and/or  loss of pleasure Read more…

Keep Slim & Trim with Domino Sugar Menus

Keep Slim & Trim with Domino Sugar Menus

It wasn’t meant to be provocative.  After all, the folks in 1954 cared just as much about weight loss as we do in 2020, and they weren’t dealing with nearly the same obesity epidemic as we are today. Over 70% of American men and women were considered overweight Read more…

The Other, Co-Occurring Virus and How to Prevent It

The Other, Co-Occurring Virus and How to Prevent It

Hint: It’s not toilet-paper-hoarding disorder. While I’ve been spending the bulk of my COVID-19 self-quarantine time at home with my family, there have been several occasions where I’ve needed to venture out by car, an errand, a quick trip to the store, a forgotten needed Read more…

How To Get Free Food

How To Get Free Food

You already own it. It’s likely taking over an unused patch of your yard. Weeds. Rather, edible, scrumptious green tidbits, chock full of nutrients, and kissed by the sun.  Foraging can be a fun and exciting activity in the spring, and since we’re stuck at Read more…

Elderberry Syrup is Not a Daily Supplement, and What to Use Instead

Elderberry Syrup is Not a Daily Supplement, and What to Use Instead

Many mommy bloggers, Facebook group followers, and even some holistic health practitioners often recommend taking 1 teaspoon elderberry syrup daily during cold and flu season. This period of time can easily last 5-6 months out of the whole year. The families that follow this practice Read more…

To Gluten or Not to Gluten…That is the Question…

To Gluten or Not to Gluten…That is the Question…

We can’t digest it. It’s irritating to the gut. It’s hybridized beyond our body’s recognition, so looks like an alien spaceship to our immune system. However. Not everyone will benefit from a gluten-free diet. There. I said it. Heresy in the holistic health world. But Read more…

The Standard American Diet, Depression, and Anxiety

The Standard American Diet, Depression, and Anxiety

Diet is a top driver of disease in the US, and mental health imbalances are no exception to this. Did you know that the standard American diet has been linked to depression and anxiety? That’s because the standard American diet creates oxidative damage and inflammation Read more…

Eating Healthy on a Budget

Eating Healthy on a Budget

“How do you maintain a healthy diet on a budget? Spending $200 a week on groceries is exhausting (worth it but not everyone can afford that).” Packaged, processed, and highly refined foods are often subsidized by the federal government, thereby bringing prices down. Meanwhile, whole Read more…