Tag: garden

How To Get Free Food

How To Get Free Food

You already own it. It’s likely taking over an unused patch of your yard. Weeds. Rather, edible, scrumptious green tidbits, chock full of nutrients, and kissed by the sun.  Foraging can be a fun and exciting activity in the spring, and since we’re stuck at Read more…

Choosing Seeds

Choosing Seeds

I love to grow and eat tomatoes. The flavor and scent of a sun-ripened tomato just picked off the vine is incomparable to the pink balls found at the grocery store. But I’ve come to terms with the fact that not all tomatoes grow well Read more…

Preparing for Spring: Seedlings for the Garden

Preparing for Spring: Seedlings for the Garden

Part of eating well includes understanding how your food is grown. We keep a garden every year to help my son understand what goes into raising food, as well as to understand the lifecycle of plants and how insects and other animals factor into food Read more…