Tag: cortisol

Is That A … Bobcat Chasing You??

Is That A … Bobcat Chasing You??

What’s the single most significant root cause of symptoms and diagnoses that we see here in our FWT clientele? Without hesitation, our coaching team all agrees that it’s STRESS.  While the human body is designed to weather episodic acute stress, we aren’t designed to be Read more…

Circadian Rhythms & Internal Body Clocks, & Why You Can’t Sleep

Circadian Rhythms & Internal Body Clocks, & Why You Can’t Sleep

Now that many of us are safely on the other side of the time change, we can enjoy the extra daylight hours a little more. And hopefully by now our circadian rhythms have also gotten with the program that our sleep-wake times have been shifted Read more…

Are You a Revengeful Sleeper?

Are You a Revengeful Sleeper?

High-quality sleep is vital for both healing and sustained wellness. While the body appears from the outside to be still and inactive, sleep is a time when the body is quite busy. During the night, we restock our supply of hormones, process significant toxins including flushing Read more…