
The Other, Co-Occurring Virus and How to Prevent It

The Other, Co-Occurring Virus and How to Prevent It

Hint: It’s not toilet-paper-hoarding disorder. While I’ve been spending the bulk of my COVID-19 self-quarantine time at home with my family, there have been several occasions where I’ve needed to venture out by car, an errand, a quick trip to the store, a forgotten needed Read more…

How To Get Free Food

How To Get Free Food

You already own it. It’s likely taking over an unused patch of your yard. Weeds. Rather, edible, scrumptious green tidbits, chock full of nutrients, and kissed by the sun.  Foraging can be a fun and exciting activity in the spring, and since we’re stuck at Read more…

Elderberry Syrup is Not a Daily Supplement, and What to Use Instead

Elderberry Syrup is Not a Daily Supplement, and What to Use Instead

Many mommy bloggers, Facebook group followers, and even some holistic health practitioners often recommend taking 1 teaspoon elderberry syrup daily during cold and flu season. This period of time can easily last 5-6 months out of the whole year. The families that follow this practice Read more…

To Gluten or Not to Gluten…That is the Question…

To Gluten or Not to Gluten…That is the Question…

We can’t digest it. It’s irritating to the gut. It’s hybridized beyond our body’s recognition, so looks like an alien spaceship to our immune system. However. Not everyone will benefit from a gluten-free diet. There. I said it. Heresy in the holistic health world. But Read more…

The Standard American Diet, Depression, and Anxiety

The Standard American Diet, Depression, and Anxiety

Diet is a top driver of disease in the US, and mental health imbalances are no exception to this. Did you know that the standard American diet has been linked to depression and anxiety? That’s because the standard American diet creates oxidative damage and inflammation Read more…

Eating Healthy on a Budget

Eating Healthy on a Budget

“How do you maintain a healthy diet on a budget? Spending $200 a week on groceries is exhausting (worth it but not everyone can afford that).” Packaged, processed, and highly refined foods are often subsidized by the federal government, thereby bringing prices down. Meanwhile, whole Read more…

Using (and evaluating) research to determine a healthy diet

Using (and evaluating) research to determine a healthy diet

“How do you reconcile all the conflicting info, “studies,” and media headlines that come out practically every day, with changing information about what actually is healthy?” It can be overwhelming to keep up with the latest, often contradictory dietary advice coming from all these published Read more…

What Constitutes a “Healthy Diet”?

What Constitutes a “Healthy Diet”?

Recently I was asked, “What do you consider a healthy diet?” A “healthy diet” will look slightly different for each person, but as a general rule: A healthy diet is one that provides adequate nutrients (proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, and fluids) needed not Read more…

Alternatives to TMJ Treatments

Alternatives to TMJ Treatments

Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) dysfunction impacts over 10 million Americans, causing pain, popping, or clicking in the joint; face and neck pain; headaches; difficulty chewing; irregularly worn down teeth; and constricted mouth opening. What causes TMJ? TMJ can be caused by several factors, or a combination Read more…

Welcoming a Stranger in a Strange Land

Welcoming a Stranger in a Strange Land

Fulfilling the Jewish obligation to “welcome a stranger in a strange land,” I recently had the privilege and honor of leading a volunteer group that welcomed a refugee family of 8 from Afghanistan. With 6 children under age 13 in tow, the family traveled for Read more…