Tag: gut health

Is Your Gut Health Quashing Your Mood?

Is Your Gut Health Quashing Your Mood?

May is Mental Health Awareness Month, so of course we need to discuss how this ties into our gut! ​The Gut-Brain-Mental Health Connection ​ The gut and brain are connected through the “gut-brain axis”, a communication network that allows for the exchange of information between the two. Read more…

The Surprising Ways  Antibiotics May Have Unknowingly Harmed Your Health

The Surprising Ways Antibiotics May Have Unknowingly Harmed Your Health

Jocelyn learned her chronic arthritis was being caused by a persistent, simmering intestinal Prevotella overgrowth and resulting food sensitivities, which seemed to start after she took antibiotics for two weeks.  Frank thought he had a UTI, and while waiting for his labwork to come back, took a Read more…