It’s time to stop feeling tethered to the bathroom and at odds with your energy level.

If you’re sick of mapping out restrooms before you head out for the day, waking up overnight with stabbing gut pains or panic attacks, being unsure of what’s safe or helpful to put in your mouth, blaming your odiferous wind on the dog, or are suspicious of what may have taken up residence in your gut, you’re in the right place.

The truth is, popping Tums, Dulcolax, and Pepto like candy aren’t the answer. 

Neither is downing loads of caffeine, energy drinks, & sugar to get through the day.

Conventional medicine relies on masking symptoms to help you show up to work and your family. And while it helps – until it’s time for the next dose – the underlying problems are still there. 

The reality is, your body is designed to eat real food and spend time digesting it. To wake up when the sun comes up and go to bed when it’s dark out. To find joy and excitement and pleasure, and to be able to gracefully tackle the hard times and bounce right back.

When we gift ourselves exactly what we uniquely need, everything can change. 

photo of Amy

As a Certified Microbiome Analyst and board-certified Applied Functional Medicine Nutritionist, I specialize in helping you figure out your digestive distress and hormonal chaos by taking a completely whole-body approach to determining the root causes of why your symptoms are happening in the first place. In the gut and throughout the body.

We go as deep as to consider if trauma stored in the cells themselves are contributing to your physiological symptoms.
But we also examine your reported symptoms and concerns; conventional and functional lab testing (e.g. blood, urine, stool, breath, and hair); and thorough assessment of diet, lifestyle habits and behaviors, and environment to begin peeling back layers and unravelling what’s getting in the way of you feeling and functioning at your best.

Whether you’re an adult or the parent of a child struggling with digestion or energy concerns, and you feel like you’ve tried so many other things to get your gut and energy but still haven’t figured it out, I’m here to finally get you these answers and a real path forward to feeling better.

Take the next step in your wellness journey now.

Click here to learn more about Food With Thought Programs

photo by Lawren Rose Photography