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Home Remedies | Maximizing Milk Supply

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Fearless Fermentation: Summer Edition

NY style pickles • spicy texan summer veggie medley • pineapple ginger kraut • curtido
Recipe packet and shopping list included.

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Winter Herbal Remedies

As cold and flu season approaches, be prepared with an herbal arsenal. Learn how to make elderberry syrup as well as master tonic/fire cider (requires 4-6 weeks of kitchen counter time).

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Maximizing Milk Supply: Nutritional & Hormone Balancing for Nursing Moms

If  you’re struggling with producing enough milk for your baby, even though you’re doing exactly what the lactation consultant and pediatrician told you to do…Or are already supplementing with formula, and fear committing to the multiple hundreds of dollars (and more for organic or hypoallergenic) that 100% formula feeding would cost…And are feeling like a failure for not being able to produce enough all the milk your baby needs as he or she keeps getting bigger and is needing more and more… 

The Maximizing Milk Supply course is geared towards helping you assess your situation objectively so that you can figure out what types of nutritional or hormonal factors might be contributing to your insufficient supply, and then provides you with science-backed guidance to work towards correcting imbalances. 

Live Classes

Held in west Plano, TX. Address provided on registration.

  • September 7, 10:30 am: Back-to-School Home Remedies: Using Functional Foods to Support Our Families (Elderberry Syrup, Fire Cider/Master Tonic, Upset Tummy Tea, Calendula Syrup, Throat Soothing Tea)
  • September 28, 10:30 am: Fearless Fermentation (spicy pickled okra, zucchini pickles, apple daikon radish kraut, cardamom squash sauerkraut)
  • November 2, 10:30 am: Fearless Fermentation (carrot & parsnip pickles, curried Brussels sprouts, apple cranberry kraut, beet kraut)

I will be providing all of the needed materials unless noted. As we chop, we will also discuss the benefits of what we are making, food safety tips, and troubleshooting. You will get to bring home what you directly prepare in class (8/17: Elderberry Syrup & Fire Cider, 9/28 & 11/2: all ferments).  

Classes are appropriate for ages 14 and up. 

Bringing a friend or teen? Contact me for a $5 coupon code for each of you BEFORE you register.