Is Your Gut Health Quashing Your Mood?

Is Your Gut Health Quashing Your Mood?

May is Mental Health Awareness Month, so of course we need to discuss how this ties into our gut! ​The Gut-Brain-Mental Health Connection ​ The gut and brain are connected through the “gut-brain axis”, a communication network that allows for the exchange of information between the two. Read more…

Shoo Away the Stress Bobcat, and Just Say “Ohm” to Stress

Shoo Away the Stress Bobcat, and Just Say “Ohm” to Stress

Did you catch our article on the stress response and how being stuck in it all the time is a root driver of poor health?  What we didn’t mention there was the role of the vagus nerve in this situation. This single nerve acts as a super highway, connecting the Read more…

Light Breaking Out of Darkness

Light Breaking Out of Darkness

“There Are Two Ways Of Spreading Light, To Be The Candle Or The Mirror That Reflects It.” Edith Wharton On this side of the hemisphere, as we creep out of the winter solstice, the days are slowly lengthening, the engulfing darkness is less so, and Read more…

The Complicated Impact of Emotional Trauma on the Physical Body

The Complicated Impact of Emotional Trauma on the Physical Body

“After trauma the world is experienced with a different nervous system. The survivor’s energy now becomes focused on suppressing inner chaos, at the expense of spontaneous involvement in their life. These attempts to maintain control over unbearable physiological reactions can result in a whole range Read more…

Are You a Revengeful Sleeper?

Are You a Revengeful Sleeper?

High-quality sleep is vital for both healing and sustained wellness. While the body appears from the outside to be still and inactive, sleep is a time when the body is quite busy. During the night, we restock our supply of hormones, process significant toxins including flushing Read more…

Root Causes of Why You’re Feeling Down in the Dumps

Root Causes of Why You’re Feeling Down in the Dumps

And it’s not due to COVID. As Mental Health Awareness Month 2020 draws near the end, let’s talk about depression. Depression is defined as a period of at least two weeks during which a person experiences: a depressed mood loss of interest and/or  loss of pleasure Read more…

The Other, Co-Occurring Virus and How to Prevent It

The Other, Co-Occurring Virus and How to Prevent It

Hint: It’s not toilet-paper-hoarding disorder. While I’ve been spending the bulk of my COVID-19 self-quarantine time at home with my family, there have been several occasions where I’ve needed to venture out by car, an errand, a quick trip to the store, a forgotten needed Read more…