Is Your Gut Health Quashing Your Mood?

Is Your Gut Health Quashing Your Mood?

May is Mental Health Awareness Month, so of course we need to discuss how this ties into our gut! ​The Gut-Brain-Mental Health Connection ​ The gut and brain are connected through the “gut-brain axis”, a communication network that allows for the exchange of information between the two. Read more…

The Unfortunate Truth About IBS

The Unfortunate Truth About IBS

Irritable Bowel Syndrome I can just hear you saying, “Ah, but I already know my bowel is irritable, Amy, do I really need more awareness about this???” An irritable bowel is unpredictable, uncomfortable, and at times, can be downright embarrassing. So yes, you’re definitely already aware of Read more…

Dog Food is for Dogs

Dog Food is for Dogs

But fiber. That’s food for the gut microbiome. Fiber 101 We’ve all heard that we should get plenty of fiber from our diet every day to support heart health, healthy weight management, and gastrointestinal function. Despite these recommendations to eat a high-fiber diet, and many Read more…

Don’t Be a Martyr: Stop Suffering from IBS

Don’t Be a Martyr: Stop Suffering from IBS

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is the most common functional gastrointestinal disorder. According to a clinical review published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) affects between 7-21% percent of Americans. This equates to about 60 million people just in the Read more…

Is a Deficiency in this Corrosive Acid Wreaking Havoc in Your Body?

Is a Deficiency in this Corrosive Acid Wreaking Havoc in Your Body?

Many of us likely only think about stomach acid when something is wrong: reflux, heartburn, indigestion, and a reach into the medicine cabinet for something to tame the discomfort. It’s often around this time that we may blame our stomachs for producing too much acid.  Read more…

Is Your Food Slowly Poisoning You?

Is Your Food Slowly Poisoning You?

I often hear “food allergy,” “food sensitivity,” and “food intolerance” used interchangeably – but they’re not the same things! They stem from different processes in the body, and so the approach to rebalancing each issue is quite different. Let’s take a closer look… First, if Read more…

When you hear your tummy rumble…

When you hear your tummy rumble…

That’s diarrhea…unfortunately… April is Irritable Bowel Syndrome Awareness Month And with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), there’s a lot of new things to become aware about.  For the 12% of Americans suffering with IBS, recurring diarrhea and constipation are no joke. IBS used to be called Read more…

“Discovery” Diets, or How to Go About Cutting Out All the Stuff That’s Pissing Off Your Body

“Discovery” Diets, or How to Go About Cutting Out All the Stuff That’s Pissing Off Your Body

I recently found myself in yet another full-on elimination diet, a hard-core one this time. I had questions about my food choices, and I needed some good answers. For all of us, cutting out foods that we usually eat is hard. It’s annoying. It’s a Read more…

The Surprising Ways  Antibiotics May Have Unknowingly Harmed Your Health

The Surprising Ways Antibiotics May Have Unknowingly Harmed Your Health

Jocelyn learned her chronic arthritis was being caused by a persistent, simmering intestinal Prevotella overgrowth and resulting food sensitivities, which seemed to start after she took antibiotics for two weeks.  Frank thought he had a UTI, and while waiting for his labwork to come back, took a Read more…

5 Great Nutrition and Gut Health Books for Kids of All Ages

5 Great Nutrition and Gut Health Books for Kids of All Ages

Since my nutrition practice is about 1/3-1/2 children at any given time, I’ve had to find books that would resonate enough with the kids to get the onboard with healthier eating. Below are my (and my son’s!) top picks: 1. Buddies in My Belly: A Read more…