Author: Amy Spindel

Almond Lemon Cake

Almond Lemon Cake

The flavor of lemons and almonds blend well together. This cake incorporates both, in a light and airy dessert that is a subtly sweet finish to a wonderful meal. This cake originally hails from Italy. Since this cake does not contain flour, it is a great Read more…

Persian Charoset

Persian Charoset

Charoset is a traditional Passover food used during the seder. It represents the mortar the Jews used to cement the pyramids together during their enslavement. There are many recipes out there for charoset, and I was tired of the version endemic to Ashkenazi Jews in Read more…

Meyer Lemon Roasted Chicken with Mushrooms and Artichokes

Meyer Lemon Roasted Chicken with Mushrooms and Artichokes

Meyer lemons smell like spring time and look like the sun. They give me warm fuzzies. A cross between a lemon and a tangerine, they’re a golden yellow and taste less sour than their yellow cousins. They’re often readily available during the late winter, a Read more…

Choosing Seeds

Choosing Seeds

I love to grow and eat tomatoes. The flavor and scent of a sun-ripened tomato just picked off the vine is incomparable to the pink balls found at the grocery store. But I’ve come to terms with the fact that not all tomatoes grow well Read more…

Preparing for Spring: Seedlings for the Garden

Preparing for Spring: Seedlings for the Garden

Part of eating well includes understanding how your food is grown. We keep a garden every year to help my son understand what goes into raising food, as well as to understand the lifecycle of plants and how insects and other animals factor into food Read more…

Roasted Sunchokes with Creamy Lemon Sauce

Roasted Sunchokes with Creamy Lemon Sauce

During the early fall growing up in NJ, I remember a raised garden bed at my parents’ house that was full of tall stalks dotted with bright yellow sunflowers reaching towards the sky. Later in the fall my sister and I would have a blast Read more…

Basic Veggie Soup

Basic Veggie Soup

Sometimes I need something quick and easy for dinner, that is a flexible enough recipe that I can just wing it without an extra trip to the store or a lengthy grocery list. Or any grocery list, for that matter. During those times, I go with Read more…

Basil Pesto

Basil Pesto

In the midst of a damp, dreary, and cold afternoon, I decided I needed a little burst of sunshine. While it has been getting cooler in TX, a freeze hasn’t yet set in, and surprisingly I still have quite a bit of basil growing outside. Read more…

Lemon-Tahini Sauce

Lemon-Tahini Sauce

Tahini is simply a paste made from sesame seeds, preferably raw. It is common in middle eastern cooking.

Honeynut Squash with Tahini, Pomegranate, and Pistachios

Honeynut Squash with Tahini, Pomegranate, and Pistachios

For me, fall signals pumpkins. But not in a “pumpkin spice” kinda way. When I think pumpkin, I think “winter squash.” I love seeing what’s available at the market this time of year. The colors always amaze me: blues, greens, yellows, oranges, browns. Butternut, acorn, Read more…