Join us this fall for a unique group program that will quickly get you on your way to wellness!
Coving topics like:
- creating new habits,
- cleaning up the diet,
- how to read nutritional labels on food,
- cleaning out the pantry to meet your family’s health needs,
- establishing solid sleep environments and routines,
- toxin avoidance,
- getting the whole family on board and involved,
- Talking Turkey to get ready for the challenges in maintaining new habits that may arise during Thanksgiving
- and more!

Plus! Add-on individualized health coaching support during this duration of the program! Not usually available, you will have the opportunity to purchase a KBMO food sensitivity test and receive additional support in implementing necessary changes.
(Note that this is not our typical functional medicine program; if you are interested in functional medicine and nutrition services, you will have the opportunity to register for this service separately.)